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TOTM Aug '19: Courtship

Malyari Tribe

This month's theme is on the courtship traditions around the Philippines!

From stabbing oneself, completing chores, creating love potions, as well as participating in a Spanish folk dance, there are a plethora of courtship traditions in the Philippines

The courting traditions of the islands vary from region to region.

Some are still used in courting rituals today, whilst some (for good reason) have been abandoned.

We have art coming out this week, so make sure you are following us on our Instagram: @malyaritribe

We are also welcoming submissions from our tribe! What courtship tradition do you find most interesting? Message us to find out more or post and tag your work online using #malyaritribe. We will either feature you and your work on our social media feed or right here on our website. Can't wait for you to #jointhetribe


Founded By Charlene Delim & Jonnellie Boadilla

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